I L  P I E T R I S C O

Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies  -  POETRY   PROSE   CINEMA

Journal Issues


Forthcoming Issue 2, December 2025 

(Leonardo da Vinci, Anatomie, 1510)

Facets of the Health Humanities

Il Pietrisco Journal invites scholars (both established, early career and doctoral students) to submit  proposals for academic articles in any of the following Anglophone, Francophone and Italian genres (children’s literature, film — both fiction film and documentary—, graphic novel, poetry and prose in the Twenty-First century, in response to these research questions:

- corporeality and the encounter with the medical institution;

- the intersection between disability and the effects of identity;

- the perspective of doctors or patients on their own illness (also terminal);

- the formation of the new empathetic medical generation and new forms of medicine (also digital);

- the development of new hospital or hospice spaces to accommodate children, non binary persons, migrants and the elderly in the 21st century;

- the representation of disability and inequality in theatre and the performing arts.

See Call for Articles here.

Issue 1, June 2022

Poetry as the 'Verb Incarnate'

Book Cover, Contents, Notes on Contributors and Introductory Note
Poetry as the 'Verb Incarnate'.pdf (3.07MB)
Book Cover, Contents, Notes on Contributors and Introductory Note
Poetry as the 'Verb Incarnate'.pdf (3.07MB)