Recordings of Events
IL PIETRISCO POESIA: Registrazione della serata con Maria Borio e Elio Cagnizi, 'Trasparenza. Musica e poesia' (Interlinea, 2024). 28 gennaio 2025. Hanno partecipato anche RM Riccobono e Laura Corraducci.
IL PIETRISCO Poetry: Registrazione di 'Incantamenti' (Vydia editore, 2024), a cura di Francesca Matteoni, Cristina Babino, Laura di Corcia. Hanno partecipato Maria Borio e Laura Corraducci. In dialogo Rossella M. Riccobono. 4 dicembre 2024, 21:00 italiane.
IL PIETRISCO Poetry: Registrazione della puntata del Pietrisco Poesia del 19 novembre 2024. Roberto Dall'Olio legge dalle sue raccolte di poesia 'Per questo sono rinato' (Pendragon 2005, 2011) e 'Un loden senza inverno' (Pendragon 2024) in dialogo con Rossella Riccobono e Laura Corraducci.
IL PIETRISCO Poetry: Recording of 'Partire da qui' (Interno poesia 2024) with Stefano Modeo. In dialogue with Laura Corraducci and Rossella M. Riccobono. 23 April 2024, 21:00 Italian time.
IL PIETRISCO Poetry: Recording of 'Getsemani' (PeQuod 2023) with Luca Pizzolitto. In dialogue with Laura Corraducci and Rossella M. Riccobono. Presented by Laura Corraducci. 27 February 2024, 21:00 Italian time.
IL PIETRISCO Poetry: Recording of 'presenti e vivi' with Monica Guerra and Michele Donati reading from, respectively, 'Tra muri d'acqua' (2023) and 'Il paesaggio nuovo' (Il vicolo, 2021). In dialogue with Laura Corraducci and Rossella M. Riccobono. 31 January 2024, 21:00 Italian time.
IL PIETRISCO Poetry: Recording of *S'agli occhi credi. Le Marche dell’arte nello sguardo dei poeti* (Vydia editore, Nuova Edizione ampliata 2022). Poets Cristina Babino, Laura Corraducci, Lella De Marchi, Renata Morresi, reading from their prose in dialogue with works of art from Italian region of Le Marche. In dialogue with Rossella M. Riccobono.
IL PIETRISCO CINEMA: Recording of the event 'Didattica con gli audiovisivi. Teorie, strumenti e pratiche per l'insegnamento', with Filmmaker and Academic Marco D'Agostini, in dialogue with Rossella M. Riccobono. 7 June 2023.
IL PIETRISCO CINEMA: Recording of the lecture by Dr Anthony Quinn on 'Juliet on Film 1954. Susan Shantall: The Forgotten Juliet', 2 March 2023 at 20:00 U.K. time.
Recording of the evening of poetry reading hosted by IL PIETRISCO Poetry, with poet Christine De Luca reading form her poetic work, translated into Italian by Francesca Romana Paci. Wednesday 15th February 2023, 20:00 U.K. time.
Registrazione della serata di poesia ospitata da IL PIETRISCO POESIA del 23 gennaio 2023, 21:00 italiane. Massimiliano Bardotti legge dalla sua ultima silloge La disciplina della nebbia (Portosepolto 2022). Conduce Laura Corraducci.
Registrazione della serata ospitata da IL PIETRISCO POESIA: Isabella Leardini 'Il metodo dei sette sì. La poesia come didattica innovativa'. Presentano Laura Corraducci e Rossella Riccobono.
21 novembre 2022, ore 21:00 italiane.
Isabella Leardini ci parla della sua ricerca nel campo dei laboratori di poesia come pratica di confine e di come un’esperienza sia diventata un metodo, un libro, poi un lavoro.
Da Domare il drago (Milano: Mondadori, 2018).
Il Pietrisco CINEMA: Recording of Dr Anthony Quinn's lecture for the 'Romeo and Juliet: 1916-1996' series, 'Romeo and Juliet 1936. The tragedy meets the movies'. 22nd September 2022, 19:00 U.K. time
IL Pietrisco POETRY: Recording of the poetry evening with poet and infancy neuro-psychiatrist Margherita Rimi, in dialogue with poet Matteo Fantuzzi. 9 June 2022, 9pm Italian time.
il Pietrisco CINEMA: Recording of the lecture 'Juliet on Film: 1916-1996' for Il Pietrisco Cinema's series Juliet on Film, by our new member of the Editorial and Advisory Board, Dr Anthony Quinn. 19 May 2022 at 7pm GMT on Zoom.
Il Pietrisco POETRY: Recording of the poetry evening with a reading by Antonella Anedda from several of her poetry volumes, but with a particular focus on her latest poetic collection Historiae (Einaudi 2020) for the series of Il Pietrisco 'Dialoghi con poeti', 11 April 2022, 21:00 Italian time - in dialogue with Laura Corraducci and Rossella M. Riccobono.
IL Pietrisco PROSE: Recording of the lecture by Fiona Gilmour 'Person-Centredness and the Health Humanities' which was a great addition to the series 'Facets of the Health Humanities'. Chaired by Dr Rossella M. Riccobono. 26 April 2022, 6pm GMT.
IL Pietrisco POETRY: Recording of the poetry evening with a reading by Matteo Fantuzzi of his latest Poetry collection 'La stazione di Bologna' for the series of Il Pietrisco 'Dialoghi con poeti', 22 March 2022, 21:00 Italian time - in dialogue with Laura Corraducci and Rossella M. Riccobono.
IL Pietrisco PROSE: Recording of the lecture by Dr Rossella M. Riccobono 'Cinema, Bereavement and the Health Humanities' for the series of Il Pietrisco 'Facets of the Health Humanities', 10 March 2022 -18:00 GMT - chaired by Dr Carmela Pierini.
IL Pietrisco PROSE: Recording of the lecture by Dr Silvia Casini 'Visual Culture and the Health Humanities' for the series of Il Pietrisco 'Facets of the Health Humanities', 27 gennaio 2022 - 18:00 GMT - chaired by Dr Rossella M. Riccobono.
IL PIETRISCO POETRY: Registrazione dell'appuntamento con Il Pietrisco con 'Dialoghi con Poeti', del 13 gennaio 2022 - ore 21:00 italiane - con il poeta Laura Accerboni che ha letto dal suo ultimo lavoro 'Acqua Acqua Fuoco' (Einaudi 2020).
Il Pietrisco PROSE: Elzaemira Festa e Manuela Salvi in dialogue with Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato on 'Disability and Children's Literature'. The event was hosted by Il Pietrisco ( on Wednesday 15th December at 6pm GMT.
Il Pietrisco POETRY: Dialoghi con poeti.
Registrazione della serata di lettura dei poeti Laura Corraducci e Massimiliano Bardotti che leggono rispettivamente da Il passo dell'obbedienza (2020) e da La terra e la radice (2021). In dialogo con Rossella M. Riccobono. 24 novembre 2021, ore 21:00 italiane.
Il Pietrisco PROSE: Facets of the Health Humanities
Recording of the 7th appointment of the FACETS OF THE HEALTH HUMANITIES series. A Round table discussion with Enrico Totola and Mick Greer on 'Perform/Ability: Theatre and the Health Humanities'. The session was chaired and introduce by Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato. Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 6pm GMT.
Il Pietrisco PROSE: Facets of the Health Humanities.
Recording of the 6th Lecture of the FACETS OF THE HEALTH HUMANITIES series: 'Narrative and the Novel: from form to function', with Professor Isabel Fernandes. Chaired by Professor Chiara Battisti. 20 October 2021, 6pm GMT.
Il Pietrisco PROSE: Facets of the Health Humanities.
'Fiction and Memoir in Health Humanities. "Imagining Myself Out of Myself": Uses of Fiction and Memoir in Health Humanities'. Chaired by Carmela Pierini. September 29, 2021, 6pm GMT
Il Pietrisco PROSE: Facets of the Health Humanities.
IL PIETRISCO PROSE presents its forth lecture on the series of Health Humanities. The lecture is presented by Cecilia Beecher Martins, ''Film and the Health Humanities". 30 June 2021, 6pm GMT. Chaired by Chiara Battisti.
Il Pietrisco Poetry: Dialoghi con Poeti -- Gabrio Vitali, Alberto Bertoni, Paolo Fabrizio Iacuzzi, Giancarlo Sissa, Giacomo Trinci, Sospeso respiro. Poesia di pandemia (Moretti e Vitali, 2021)
Il Pietrisco Poetry presents the fourth and last appointment of this 2021 Spring Season with the series of 'Dialoghi con Poeti', 14 June 2021, 21:00 Italian time. We will start again with the next season in September 2021.
IL PIETRISCO PROSE: Facets of the Health Humanities
'Comics/Graphic Novels and Health Humanities'. This third lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by “Il Pietrisco” Prose, will see Chiara Battisti and António Duarte explore the coalescing of the medium of the comics/graphic novels and the practice of Health Humanities.
Il Pietrisco Poetry: Dialoghi con Poeti -- Alberto Bertoni, L'isola dei topi (Einaudi 2021)
Il Pietrisco POETRY presents the third appointment with the series of 'Dialoghi con Poeti', 19 May 2021, 21:00 Italian time. Poet Alberto Bertoni will read from his latest poetry collection L'isola dei topi (2020).
Il Pietrisco Poetry: Dialoghi con Poeti -- Maurizio Cucchi
Il Pietrisco Poetry presents the second appointment with the series of 'Dialoghi con Poeti', 23 April 2021, 21:00 Italian time. Alberto Bertoni, Professor of Italian Literature (Univ. of Bologna) and poet, in dialogue with poet, critic, essayist and novelist Maurizio Cucchi. The poet will read from a selection of his collections and in particular from Sindrome del distacco e tregua (2019).
Il Pietrisco Prose: Facets of the Health Humanities
'Poetry, Voice and Storytelling in the Clinic'
by Dr Rossella M. Riccobono
April 21, 2021
6pm GMT
This second lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by Il Pietrisco Prose, will see Dr Rossella M. Riccobono explore the genre of the poetic text as a tool of reflection and education for healthcare professionals. She will look at the reasons why poetry, a genre which belongs to the oral tradition, can be an ideal instrument to elicit reflection and storytelling to foster connection with patients and peers and improve the experience of the ‘cure’ within the clinic. Dr Riccobono will also reflect on innovative interdisciplinary ways of studying the ill as a minority group from the philosophy of narration viewpoint and a diversity and inclusion perspective to educate medics and healthcare professionals. Finally, she will show an example of a poetic text written by an English poet and therapist/educator who lived through the experience of cancer and left her testimony in a poetic journal, out of which she also published a poetry collection.
With the participation of ROSSELLA M. RICCOBONO. Chaired by CECILIA BEECHER MARTINS.
Il Pietrisco Poetry: Dialoghi con Poeti -- Francesca Serragnoli and Giancarlo Sissa
Il Pietrisco Poetry presents the first appointment with the series of 'Dialoghi con Poeti', 26 February 2021, 21:00 Italian time. Alberto Bertoni, Professor of Italian Literature (Univ. of Bologna) and poet, in dialogue with poets Francesca Serragnoli and Giancarlo Sissa. The two poets read from their latest collections, respectively *La quasi notte* (2020) and *Archivio del padre* (2020).
Il Pietrisco Prose: Facets of the Health Humanities. An Introduction.
Because of its practical and interdisciplinary nature the field of the Health Humanities is
of great interest today. So much so that many healthcare education programs have
introduced study in the arts to their curricula. Moreover, one of the areas within that
field - narrative medicine - suggests that close reading of artistic objects, reflective
writing written in the shadow of the object analyses and close reading of that reflective
writing can enhance attention, and representation skills while building affiliations with
self, patients and institutions; characteristics that the current ongoing healthcare crisis
has shown are of tremendous relevance to healthcare professionals.
But is it the same to work with a poem, or a painting; a film or a novel? What are the
differences between for instance health humanities and narrative medicine? What perspectives can Health Humanities give to disability studies? Because, at Il Pietrisco, we consider these questions need to be raised and addressed, we have set out to create a lecture cycle where experts in specific areas from lyrical texts, visual
arts and the graphic novel, film, narrative prose, fairytale, with feedback from artists
will look at these questions.
The 17th March session introduced the subject areas and approach.