I L  P I E T R I S C O

Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies  -  POETRY   PROSE   CINEMA

Lectures and Seminars


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26 April 2022, 6pm GMT

Facets of the Health Humanities


Fiona Gilmour

'End of Life Care and the Health Humanities'

This eleventh lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by Il Pietrisco Prose, will see Fiona Gilmour talk about relationships within the structure of the Care Home and its community. The lecture will be chaired by Rossella M. Riccobono.

Person-centredness is an established approach to healthcare practice that aims to humanise healthcare. Person-centred practitioners are concerned with understanding and respecting the
uniqueness of each person; practicing in a supportive and enabling way. Research into person-centredness not only aims to acquire knowledge of person-centredness; it also seeks to approach research in a person-centred way. Health humanities is an interdisciplinary field that similarly seeks to promote health and wellbeing. The health humanities offer artistic, creative and social methods to understand, and transform, experiences of healthcare. Within this session, I will share details of a research project that aims to transform older persons experiences of living in a care home. Together, we will explore the use of health humanities within this research as an enabler of person-centredness.

Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89027501130?pwd=TGxFL0pLZUpTMHR3N2RDZ09vK2MzZz09

Meeting ID: 890 2750 1130

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net
Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on April 26, 2022

10 March 2022, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the Health Humanities


Rossella M. Riccobono

'Cinema, Bereavement and the Health Humanities'.

This tenth lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by Il Pietrisco Prose, will see Dr Rossella M. Riccobono talk about cinema in the context of bereavement within the structure of the Hospice and its community. The lecture will be chaired by Dr Carmela Pierini.

End of life and palliative care have become central services in our communities as research around the importance of preparing to die grows and acquires more prominence in a society that promises to become more ethical and empathetic towards the wellbeing of the isolated and marginalised. The structure of the Hospice not only offers palliative care for the dying but it also has more and more turned into a centre where community can be fostered and where the family of the terminally ill patients also receive support. One such group of people are the bereaved.  The use of film and poetry and other art-based interventions in Palliative Care have proven to be successful in supporting pain both physical and emotional. This seminar will look at the use of film to continue to offer care, cultivate community, and process bereavement within the institution of the Hospice.

Zoom meeting: 

Meeting ID: 848 5105 1387

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on March 10, 2022

27 January 2022, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the

Health Humanities

Silvia Casini

in dialogue with Rossella M. Riccobono

'Visual Culture and the Health Humanities'.

This ninth lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by Il Pietrisco Prose, will see Dr Silvia Casini talk about visual culture in the practitioner - lay patient - the community relationship. The lecture will be chaired by Dr Rossella M. Riccobono.

Medical images and illustrations are important in medical research, clinical practice, and public communication. In the context of the doctor-patient relationship, the presence of the medical image often enables the absence of the patient’s body. As Orton (2018) argues, namely, to be a patient is increasingly to become an image. Bearing upon visual culture and science and technology studies, this lecture will argue for the importance of visual literacy in the field of medicine and hint at some challenges posed by medical images. In particular, the lecture will analyse an example of a fruitful art-medicine collaborative project that enables the dialogue between different communities (research, the lay public, the patients) in view of nurturing a better understanding of and engagement with medical images.  


Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89086397822?pwd=TGdIZk1IMWVOczNWNTlBc0E0d3dsUT09

Meeting ID: 890 8639 7822

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on January 27, 2022


15 December 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the

Health Humanities

Elzaemira Festa e Manuela Salvi 

in dialogue with 

Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato

'Disability and Children's Literature'.

This eighth lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by Il Pietrisco Prose, will see Enzaemira Festa and Manuela Salvi introduced by Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato.

Enzaemira Festa and Manuela Salvi are both well-known Italian children’s literature writers. In this webinar, they will talk about their experience of writing and relating to diversity and inclusion, and, in particular, about their fictional representation of disability/illness/mental health. In a pleasant interweaving of theoretical reflections with personal experiences, the two writers will discuss not only of representation, but also of mis-representation of disability, thus allowing the participants to see children’s literature potential to reflect societal attitudes. 


Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83819377895?pwd=d3hTVlRiLy9ORGJtUitCc29oek00QT09

Meeting ID: 838 1937 7895

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on December 15, 2021 

17 November 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the

Health Humanities


Enrico Totola and Mick Greer

Introduced by: Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato

'Perform/Ability: Theatre and the Health Humanities'

Perform/ability: Theatre and the Health Humanities will focus on the work of Theatre Company Shifting Point- Punto in Movimento, founded by Roberto Totola in 1992 in Verona. Their work underlines in particular a research on the medium of theatre and its languages in order to open new potentialities of expression, which are then integrated by the cinematic medium. The main focus of the company’s theatrical research is the body and its effort to reach an individual expression in the social context, with a specific attention to the young generations and the development of a culture of integration and inclusion.

Their documentary “The Dream of Knights without Fear” presents the ongoing project "Integrated Diversity and Entertainment": selected moments will be introduced by Enrico Totola and commented in dialogue with Mick Greer (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon).


Zoom meeting:


Meeting ID: 816 4858 1091

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on November 17, 2021 

20 October 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the

Health Humanities


Isabel Fernandes

Chair: Chiara Battisti

'Narrative and the novel: from form to function'

I will start by a very brief approach to what is narrative, its diversity, complexity and pervasiveness in our lives. I will then concentrate on one form of narrative discourse: the novel. I will address its main features and its difference from the other literary genres, following Mikhail Bakhtin’s theorization. The novel’s specificity in its relation to language/s accounts for its proximity to life and justifies its relevance in health care education and settings, where it may help healthcare students and professionals get attuned to different voices and points of view and develop “an instinct for life” (D. H. Lawrence).


Zoom meeting:


Meeting ID: 890 5743 9694

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on October 20, 2021 

29 September 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the

Health Humanities


Teresa Casal

Chair: Carmela Pierini

"Imagining Myself Out of Myself": Uses of Fiction and Memoir in Health Humanities

This fifth lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by “Il Pietrisco” Prose, will see Teresa Casal explore the medium of Memoir and the practice of Health Humanities.

This talk hopes to contribute to a closer appreciation of how memoir and fiction represent experiences of illness and grief and how readers engage with them. It will draw on literary works written on the thin line between memoir and fiction to consider the questions they raise on the power and limitations of fiction and memoir: are there limits to the testimonial power of memoir? Can the artifice of fiction, its power to shift perspective and step into others’ minds, prove enabling to articulate otherwise inarticulate experience? Are the differences in the writing of memoir and fiction replicated in the reading of each form?


Zoom meeting:


Meeting ID: 829 4387 6600  

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1pm on 29 September, 2021

30 June 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the 

Health Humanities


Cecilia Beecher Martins

Chair: Rossella M. Riccobono

'Film and the Health Humanities'

This fourth lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by “Il Pietrisco” Prose, will see Cecilia Beecher Martins explores the fact that medical practices and dilemmas appear to have been represented in cinema since its inception. Thus surprisingly, or not, the centenary of Robert Wiene’s The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (1920) was celebrated by perhaps as many articles in medical journals as film reviews. One such medical article, Sacchi et al’s “‘The Cabinet of Dr Caligari’: The Scientific Debate on Hypnosis and Its Legal Implications between the 19th and the 20th Century” (2020), concludes that “movies might be a useful tool to understand how audience perceives science and medicine nowadays and in the pastimes” (95). Moreover, healthcare professionals seem at home working with film, both for training and expression. The film excerpts and suggested exercises offered by Alexander et al in Cinemaducation Vol 1 (2005) and Vol 2 (2012) speak to the former. Documentary films like Muffie Meyer’s Making Rounds (2015) and Dan Krauss’s Extremis (2016) as well as the WHO’s Health for All Film Festival speak to the latter. While these are all praiseworthy endeavours, one cannot help questioning, could narrative medicine practices extend the application of film in health care training and practice? 


Zoom ID:  827 9093 3309

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1pm, 30th June 2021

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26 May 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the 

Health Humanities


Dr Chiara Battisti and Dr António Duarte

Chair: Cecilia Beecher Martins

'Comics/Graphic Novels and Health Humanities'

This third lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by “Il Pietrisco” Prose, will see Chiara Battisti and António Duarte explore the coalescing of the medium of the comics/graphic novels and the practice of Health Humanities. What has been defined as “graphic medicine” emerges at the crossroads of health humanities and narrative medicine and combines “the principle so of narrative medicine with the exploration of the visual system of comic art, interrogating the representation of physical and emotional signs and symptoms within the medium” (Graphic Medicine Manifesto 1). In creating an intricate relationship among healthcare professionals, patients, families, and caregivers, graphic narrative enlightens difficult experience and enhances clinical and communicative capabilities. For scholars in literary and cultural studies, the genre articulates a multifaceted analysis of illness, medicine, and disability.
Chiara Battisti will explore the connection between illness writing and graphic novels in order to illustrate the unique, productive role this format can play in problematising the cultural representation of Alzheimer’s.
António Duarte will approach a rationale and use of comics/graphic novels for the development of a “patient centred care” in carers and an “adaptative psychological response to illness” in patients.


Zoom ID:  864 7924 6807

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1pm, 26th May 2021

21 April 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the 

Health Humanities


Dr Rossella M. Riccobono

Chair: Cecilia Beecher Martins

'Poetry, Voice and Storytelling in the Clinic'

This second lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by Il Pietrisco Prose, will see Dr Rossella M. Riccobono explore the genre of the poetic text as a tool of reflection and education for healthcare professionals. She will look at the reasons why poetry, a genre which belongs to the oral tradition, can be an ideal instrument to elicit reflection and storytelling to foster connection with patients and peers and improve the experience of the ‘cure’ within the clinic. Dr Riccobono will also reflect on innovative interdisciplinary ways of studying the ill as a minority group from the philosophy of narration viewpoint and a diversity and inclusion perspective to educate medics and healthcare professionals. Finally, she will show an example of a poetic text written by an English poet and therapist/educator who lived through the experience of cancer and left her testimony in a poetic journal, out of which she also published a poetry collection.


Zoom ID:  857 4807 5337 

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1pm, 21st April 2021

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17 March 2021, 6pm (GMT)

Facets of the 

Health Humanities


Chiara Battisti, Cecilia Beecher Martins,              Sidia Fiorato, Rossella Riccobono

Chair: Carmela Pierini

'An Introduction' to the Lecture Series

Because of its practical and interdisciplinary nature the field of the Health Humanities is
of great interest today. So much so that many healthcare education programs have
introduced study in the arts to their curricula. Moreover, one of the areas within that
field - narrative medicine - suggests that close reading of artistic objects, reflective
writing written in the shadow of the object analyses and close reading of that reflective
writing can enhance attention, and representation skills while building affiliations with
self, patients and institutions; characteristics that the current ongoing healthcare crisis
has shown are of tremendous relevance to healthcare professionals.
But is it the same to work with a poem, or a painting; a film or a novel? What are the
differences between for instance health humanities and narrative medicine? What perspectives can Health Humanities give to disability studies? Because, at Il Pietrisco, we consider these questions need to be raised and addressed, we have set out to create a lecture cycle where experts in specific areas from lyrical texts, visual
arts and the graphic novel, film, narrative prose, fairytale, with feedback from artists
will look at these questions. 
The 17th March session will introduce the subject areas and approach.


Zoom ID: 218 259 1759

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1pm, 17th March 2021