I L  P I E T R I S C O

Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies  -  POETRY   PROSE   CINEMA

Calls for Texts


Facets of the Health Humanities (2024)

Call for Texts

We invite the submission of Original and Unpublished Texts on the theme of the Health Humanities, spanning various artistic genres: fictional and documentary shorts, short stories, graphic narratives, fairy tales and poetry. 

Il Pietrisco will accept original texts which respond to one or two of the following areas:

- corporeality and the encounter with the medical institution;
- the intersection between disability and the effects of identity;
- the perspective of the medics or patients on their own illness (also terminal);
- the formation of the new empathetic medical generation and new forms of medicine (also digital);
- the development of new hospital or hospice spaces to accommodate children, non binary persons, migrants and the elderly in the 21st century;
- the representation of disability and inequality in theatre and the performing arts.

You will find all relevant lecture recordings on Facets of the Health Humanities for further information on the underlying research at this link: https://www.youtube.com/@ilpietrisco1960/playlists.

The criteria for the texts submission are the following:

- Unpublished short stories, fairy tales or graphic narratives (between 1500 and 7500 words)
- Unpublished poetry maximum 3 poems, or one long poem per author
- Unpublished shorts, either fictional or documentary (minimum 7 minutes and maximum 15 minutes) accompanied by a commentary (about 4000 words)

Creative works will be accepted in English, French or Italian.

Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts must be sent initially to info@pietrisco.net by 30th January 2025. You will receive notice on whether the text proposal has been accepted within 30 days from the date when we receive the abstract.

Please, include in your submission email:

1. Abstract (300 words)
2. Brief author biography (200 words for publication)

Full Proposal (in an editable .doc or .docx format) must be submitted by 15th July 2025 using the template that you will find below. There you will find more precise instructions on how and where to submit your final work.

All texts will undergo a double-blind peer review process by expert members of our Editorial Board. An acceptance notification will be sent to the authors by 30th September 2025.
Accepted texts will be published by 30th December 2025.

Submission templates and Copyright Declaration
Editable.docx (134.12KB)
Submission templates and Copyright Declaration
Editable.docx (134.12KB)