I L  P I E T R I S C O

Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies  -  POETRY   PROSE   CINEMA



IL PIETRISCO POESIA - Terzo appuntamento di Dialoghi con poeti

IL PIETRISCO POESIA - Dialoghi com poeti

Alberto Bertoni in dialogo con Laura Corraducci e Rossella M. Riccobono. 
Il poeta  leggerà dalla sua ultima silloge ‘L’isola dei topi’ (Einaudi, 2021).

Mercoledì 19 maggio, ore 21:00 italiane. [Read More…]

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IL PIETRISCO PROSE: Comics/Graphic Novels and Health Humanities

Chiara Battisti and António Duarte
Comics/Graphic Novels and Health Humanities
May 26, 2021
6 pm GMT

This third lecture of the Facets of the Health Humanities series, hosted by “Il Pietrisco” Prose, will see Chiara Battisti and António Duarte explore the coalescing of the medium of the comics/graphic novels and the practice of Health Humanities. What has been defined as “graphic medicine” emerges at the crossroads of health humanities and narrative medicine and combines “the principle so of narrative medicine with the exploration of the visual system of comic art, interrogating the representation of physical and emotional signs and symptoms within the medium” (Graphic Medicine Manifesto 1). In creating an intricate relationship among healthcare professionals, patients, families, and caregivers, graphic narrative enlightens difficult experience and enhances clinical and communicative capabilities. [Read More…]

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IL PIETRISCO POESIA - Second poetry appointment with Maurizio Cucchi


23 April 2021, 9pm Italian time

Alberto Bertoni

in dialogue with poet


The poet will be reading from a selection of his works.



Il Pietrisco Zoom ID: 218 259 1759.

Email either poetry@pietrisco.net to receive the password to access the event.

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IL PIETRISCO POESIA - First poetry appointment with Francesca Serragnoli and Giancarlo Sissa

Il Pietrisco Poesia

26 February 2021, 9pm Italian time
First Appointment with poets Francesca Serragnoli and Giancarlo Sissa,

who will be in dialogue with Alberto Bertoni, Laura Corraducci, Rossella Riccobono,

and will be reading from her latest works, respectively La quasi notte (2020) and 
Archivio del padre (2020).

Zoom ID: 869 3885 0674. 
Email either poetry@pietrisco.net or rossella.riccobono@pietrisco.net 
to receive the password to access the event.

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IL PIETRISCO JOURNAL - Call for articles - January 2021

Call for Articles – The Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies – Poetry – Prose – Cinema, Il Pietrisco invites article for its Inaugural Special Issue on Poetry as the ‘Verb Incarnate’, Illness and the Phenomenological Body

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (1:1) opens John’s Gospel of the King James’s translation of the Bible. It is the very first verse whose three sentences introduce the principle of creation through the ‘Word’ and then progressively associates it and identifies it with God. Over the imperfect translation of the original ancient Greek λόγος (logos), we shall prefer the Latin verbum, which renders more aptly the full totalising meaning of the original λόγος, which comprehends both the linguistic nature of ‘word’, a sound with a semantic meaning produced by a thinking/speaking subject, but also the idea (ἰδέα) which is included in the vision and design of such subject, i.e. [Read More…]

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